Episode 15 Transcript

The Solution to Maintain Willpower on Your Weight Loss Journey is to Stop this Mistake!

June 1, 2023 by Lucy Laramie

Lucy: Hi, friend. What are some ways to maintain willpower for weight loss success? Everyone asks this question, but so few know the answer. The journey to the finish line is not about consistency. 

[Intro Music] 3, 2, 1 Let's go! Ain't no limit! Tell em there ain't nothing stopping you. Taking off! Weight loss made possible. Plenty ups and downs but she won't fail. Lucy show em how to reinvent yourself! They say life is a challenge and you can overcome it, it don't matter what happens you ain't stopping for nothing! Do it like a boss. You know what we about to do. Take off! Weight Loss Made Possible! Let's go! You want to learn how to lose weight from someone who has done it before, right? Subscribe now! 

Lucy: Welcome to the Weight Loss Made Possible! I’m your host Lucy Laramie!  When a semi-truck crashed into my car and flat-lined my life as I knew it, the recovery heaped an additional 60 pounds onto my lifelong battle with my weight. Do you know how kids get a little too heavy to be carried? The extra weight I lugged around was equal to constantly carrying 3 small children.  My weight loss journey empowered me to lose 100 pounds and keep it off over 5 years! Yet, it wasn’t all that long ago that I lacked confidence about who I was and what I could do.  Fast forward past many failed attempts and the lessons learned, and you will see the version of me today that looks better, feels better, is healthier, and has more freedom.  I created the Weight Loss Made Possible podcast to share stories and the lessons learned from my journey and to give you simple strategies to help you forge your own path to success.  If you want to become the champion in your weight loss story, you’re in the right place! Let’s get to it!

Lucy:  If this isn't your first episode, then you may have immediately noticed that my voice isn't quite right today. And if you're new here, please know this is not how I usually sound. Having to deal with a massive pollen influx in Michigan has completely thrown my immune system for a loop.

Wow. I strive to show up every week for you guys. Getting this week's episode together was a huge challenge. I thought it was a perfect week for an episode about staying on track when you just don't feel like it. Do you remember learning how to ride a bike as a kid? You're looking at that bike and imagining where you could go, but learning something new is scary, frustrating, and exhilarating all at the same time.

But do you remember that moment when you finally find your balance on the bike and you're bruising down the street for the first time? Possibly a bit wobbly still, but the smile spreads across your face as you shout to yourself and those who can hear, I did it. I did it. There's this overwhelming sense of accomplishment and freedom.

A weight loss journey can feel a lot like this at times. Hey, look at me. I've got this. And then the next thing you know, you've crashed into something and scraped your knee and bruised your ego a bit. Albert Einstein said, live is like riding a bicycle. To keep balance, you must keep moving forward. And I say a weight loss journey is a lot like riding a bicycle.

You must keep moving forward. If you have listened to the first episode of this podcast that tells my complete weight loss story, then you'll know that I quit my job as a program manager to pursue a job waitressing at the airport in order to become more active and to switch up a feeling of stagnation in life.

In my first few weeks as a server, it felt a lot like learning to ride a bike. Oh man. Did I struggle as I first learned my new job and adjusted to the new level of activity, yet about six weeks into the job, a feeling of normalcy and security was starting to sink in. And I began to acclimate. I was getting consistent and falling into a routine, and it felt like I was moving away from the past and in a new direction one day at a time.

It's when life throws us the curve balls, though, that it can get tough to stay on track, right? Well, one text changed everything. The text message said this. Instead of coming to work tomorrow, please report to the conference room in the basement level of the airport for a meeting. Oh man, that's not good.

There I was lined up outside the door of this conference room with all my coworkers and we were all standing around befuddled, completely confused, trying to figure out and come up with ideas of what could be going on. As a member of the human Resources team showed up, unlocked the door, and we shuffled into the room and found a seat.

The results, the restaurant was closing and would be closed for at least six months for a complete remodel and renovation, and almost every single employee in the restaurant was losing their job. I sat in the back of the room trying to take everything in and trying to strategize my next steps. Since I was a pretty new hire, they had even forgotten that they hired me and didn't have paperwork printed for me, so I had to sit through the entire ordeal.

It was a total blow to my journey, and it put me at a massive choice point. Do I take the ego head and run back to the old me and corporate lifestyle I was familiar with or continue to choose to forge a near me. The path forward was anything but clear, and I felt like a kid who had just crashed my bike into a thorny blackberry bush.

I had taken a huge leap of faith in my life, and only a few weeks later had ended up at another massive crossroad. And to be honest, the biggest potential roadblock in that moment was me. Have you ever had those moments where your mind just feels like your biggest enemy? This was me facing my biggest fears, right in the face.

Truth be told, I had gotten a job at the restaurant because a friend of mine was the manager there. If I applied to similar jobs, would anyone pick the fat, sweaty, out of breath, waitress. There I sat facing all of my self-worth issues in the face To keep going, I would have to face all those fears and insecurities head on.

Spoiler alert, I chose to get back on the bike and keep going down the road. What changed was each time I got back on my bike, so to speak, my inner confidence grew. What I learned was that I could stand in my power. I found a different job at the airport that became a stepping stone to another job at a seafood place on the international terminal, which became a job that I absolutely fell in love with if I had quit.

I never would've met that version of me and my life. And you know, the scariest thing about going down that unknown road was that if there were screw ups or curve balls, I didn't have someone else that I could blame. And it's not like school where you get X degree, which results in X job making an X amount of money if you just do X, Y, and z.

The new version of me had to be forged on only one thing, and that was persistent. There's this myth that to lose weight, you must be consistent. This is completely false. Consistency is for the end of your journey. It's what you do when you've built what you desire and wanna keep it going. Persistence is the single and most important ingredient to your weight loss journey.

Persistence is what gets you there. Consistency is only what keeps you there. And thus, consistency, contradicts evolution and transformation. To succeed on a late last journey, you must show up. Showing up is the single biggest indicator of success. You don't have to show up in a consistent way, but you do have to show up.

Here's the problem. If you don't make the choice to show up persistently on your journey, the risk is becoming passive. You can manage a few cuts and scrapes, but it becomes really difficult to get anywhere on your bike if you pedal passively. To succeed on a weight loss journey, you must be willing to take a stand.

This sometimes means taking a stand at times when others are not willing to stand with you or simply aren't available to stand with you. However, if you want to show up in your full totality, your actions will prove cool you are, even if you have some accidents along the way. Here's why persistence is critical.

Essentially, there are two routes on a weight loss journey. One to follow someone else's path, or two to create your own route. And the result of that choice play is essentially this. Either you show up passively or you show up in your power. Forge a new version of you and your life that you love. A great Deepak Chopra quote says this, passivity is the same as defending injustice.

And you know what's crazy? When you show up passive in your weight loss journey, that injustice is committed against yourself. When you spend time, money, or effort on a weight loss strategy and skip learning from the result, when things go awry, you serve yourself an injustice. How often do you get your time or money back when you buy into someone else's weight loss system?

And the strategy fails so often. That entity. That entity walks away with your time and your money, and you are loved empty handed. The solution to that injustice is to take back your power by creating independence on your weight loss journey. Essentially, my decision after sitting in that cold basement room in the airport meeting with hr, Was a massive choice point in my life and I showed up differently than I ever have in my life.

And the choice to persist is what shifted my entire journey and led to lasting success. The gift that persistence gives us is experience and knowledge, and that can be used to forge the way forward. So how do you activate that power within yourself to remain persistent after you crashed your bike and are sitting there a mangled bleeding mess with here's in your eyes and you aren't sure if you wanna get back on your bike again?

There are three things you need to do to solve this problem. The first is you need an all consuming vision. So often when we start our journey and what we are doing is running as far away as we can from a problem, and we don't know where we are headed except we just know that we want something different.

This is the exact situation that I was in when I went to the airport. I just knew that I needed to get away from something, but I had no idea where I was truly going until life showed up and I had to make the choice to be persistent. I'm here today because I know the pain and I have walked that pain and I want to help others.

Failure to recognize and clearly define exactly what you want is detrimental to your journey. Think of it like this. You must be wild E coyote chasing Roadrunner on your journey. Do you remember that guy? Each time that coyote screwed up, he simply tried another method. If you fail to recognize and clearly define exactly what you want, it's going to be a struggle to keep going.

If that coyote did not know why he was chasing that roadrunner, we would not have more than 40 episodes with a similar plot. If you fail to recognize and clearly define exactly what you want, it's going to be a struggle to keep going. The second thing is this, you'll must attribute your failure to the right causes.

So often what happened in me and what I see happen in others is that when we fail, the narrative in our mind automatically tells us that it, because we're worthless. And you see other people around you succeeding and you look at it and say, The grass is greener on their side. They must be better than me.

It, it must be something wrong with me, that I don't have the green grass, that I can't get the results, and I'm here to tell your friend that sometimes the grass is greener because it's fake. And with my history of weight issues and the successful completion of a weight loss journey, it has allowed me to become adept at seeing the fake grass.

It's like I see through a special set of eyeglasses and what boils my blood is seeing good people discouraged or give up on themselves due to a false narrative in the weight loss industry. Often promising quick and easy results. The truth is your pivots and adapt. Patience are what shape your journey and how you make it unique to you.

When a defeat comes in the journey, it's important to accept it as a signal that your plan was not sound and the strategy was not working. Where strength comes when you rebuild. When your bike crashes and you get back up the second time, you become more adapt at riding the bike. The third thing you must do on your journey is commit to learning.

Despite how's may appear on the internet, achieving sustainable major weight loss success is rare. And achieving WIC success that lasts is extraordinarily rare. In fact, hoping for easy success creates the unwanted result of making you less persistent, which also makes you less likely to succeed. When you believe your road to success is toughs and difficult, you are more likely to achieve your goal.

Why? Because people who believe their goal will be difficult are naturally more inclined towards putting in more effort. They are more likely to take action than people who expect overnight success. As we prepare to wrap up this episode, I want you to walk away knowing this individuality and independence.

Our fuel for your weight loss journey. If you're on this journey to create a better version of you and a life that you love, then it's important that you port your own path. It's time to wrap up this episode before I start coughing on you guys. Thank you for your patience with my voice this week. Uh, hopefully next week will be better.

If you're new here and you like my vibe and wanna be part of the tribe, don't forget to hit subscribe. See you soon, friend.

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